These are the SRBYC Flag Officers, Board Members, Board Officers, and Committee Chairpersons for 2023:
Commodore* - Dave Jaffe
Vice Commodore - Kevin Boden
Rear Commodore - Dan DiGiovanni
Fleet Captain - Cal Talmage, Jr
Fleet Surgeon - Drew Greeley
Chaplain - Eileen Pagnozzi
Krissy Brahney (Board Chairman) 2020-2024
Clare McDowell (Board Administrator) 2020-2023
Andy Cichon 2020-2022
James Carrol 2019 - 2022
Rose Benanti 2020-2024
Anthony Paino 2020-2023
Dave Critelli 2021-2025
Donna Fromhold 2022-2025
Dave Jaffe *
*Commodore is a voting member of the Board of Governors
Treasurer - Melissa Tiedmann
Financial Secretary - Kathleen Suarez
Recording Secretary - Sharon McTague-Hall
Corresponding Secretary - Cathy Swicker
Bar - Tom Mahon
Beach - Danny DiGiovanni
Building & Grounds - Steve Brahney
Calendar Coordinator - Mary Novak
Club Maintenance - Caryn Kelly
Communications - Carl Bodine
-Website - Carl Bodine/Mark Sleifer
-Email Blasts - Diane Nagy
-Face Book/Instagram - Melanie Matthews
-Texting System - Krissy Brahney
Harbor Master - Bill Sherman & Nick Cavarretta
House - Barbara Clark & Mary Novak
Kayak Committee - Bill Perry
Kids Events - Colleen Fagan
Long Range Planning - Andy Cichon
Membership - Kathy Poyner
Nominating - Chris Hariegel
Ship's Store - Theresa Davis
South Beach/Trailers - Open
Ways & Means - Bill Clohosey
Key Fobs - Bernard Kenny
Club Directory - Cathy Swicker
Membership Recruiting - Karen Perez
Kitchen Committee - Lisa Brema
Race Committee - Cal Talmage
Sports - Matt Miller
Sunshine - Carol Imbriacco